1. 11-11: Memories Retold review: All's finally quiet on the Western Front
16 nov 2018 · 11-11 features a lightly branching narrative, with a handful of obvious inflection points—shoot or not, save this person or not, et cetera.
11-11: Memories Retold pays tribute to the end of World War I and the soldiers involved on both sides. It's gorgeous and touching, albeit flawed.
2. 11-11 Memories Retold Review - IGN Benelux
28 nov 2018 · Met 11-11 Memories Retold werkt dat qua graphics bijna hetzelfde. De details die je niet ziet vul je voor jezelf een beetje in, waardoor de ...
IGN Benelux is dé plek voor alles over games, films, series en gadgets. Check de nieuwste reviews en het nieuws over PS5, Xbox Series, Switch, PC en meer.
3. 11–11 Memories Retold: english review | by Q-Gin - Medium
1 jun 2020 · 11–11 Memories Retold will always follow the personal story of the two protagonists, but the theme on which focuses a good part of the story is ...
This review was written by our Nonno Boomer and translated by the friendly Domenico De Luca.
4. 11-11: Memories Retold vs Spirit Hunter: NG comparison
Compare 11-11: Memories Retold vs Spirit Hunter: NG on the basis of price, memory, process, graphics, RAM, Weight, USB, Audio, Video and Digital Output.
5. 11-11 Memories Retold Review: A Hauntingly Beautiful War Story
30 nov 2018 · 11-11 Memories Retold is a singular dramatic achievement in the adventure game genre, with high production values and a superb narrative.
This is a singular dramatic achievement in the adventure game genre, with high production values and a superb narrative.
See AlsoYoung Bek Definition
6. 11-11: Memories Retold review - Ontwapenend - Eurogamer.nl
12 nov 2018 · Dankzij een sterke focus op verhaal en een opmerkelijke presentatie belicht de game op treffende wijze de impact van oorlog. Het is bovendien ...
In de 11-11: Memories Retold review lees je het oordeel over de oorlogsgame van Aardman en DigixArt.
7. 11-11: Memories Retold Reviews - Metacritic
11-11 Memories Retold is something precious ... It's very common to the Villain Hearts, but guess what - Villain Heart is a AAA game comparing to this.
11th November 1916, a young photographer leaves Canada to join the Western Front in Europe. The same day, a German technician is told that his son is missing in action on the front… They will discover the reality of war, crossing paths, on the front, and the rear, trying to preserve their humanity for their loved ones in the face of disastrous events… If they can come back. At 11am the 11th Day of the 11th Month of year 1918, they will face the biggest decision of their lives… This is the moving story of the end of World War One. [Bandai Namco]
8. 11-11: Memories Retold review - An importantly human and emotionally ...
19 nov 2018 · 11-11 is an understated and character-driven exploration of World War I's Western Front from both sides of the conflict.
It isn't big and it isn't flashy, but narrative adventure 11-11: Memories Retold may be one of the most important and welcome games of the year. Here's why this World War I-set game is gaining attention... and it's not just because you can play as a trench cat.
9. 11-11: Memories Retold Review - TheXboxHub
15 nov 2018 · 11-11: Memories Retold is an absolutely glorious story of love and loss during the brutality of The Great War. It's story is believable and educational.
From the unlikely duo of Bandai Namco and Bristol based company Aardman, typically known for the famous Wallace and Gromit series, comes a glorious homage to the lesser told stories of the First World War.